Zoom 101

Take your organization's communication skills to the next level with the most robust video conferencing software on the market.

May 28, 2024
Zoom 101
Zoom 101


Communication is everything. Yet, as remote work becomes more of a commonality, it can be difficult to implement and employ strategies that ensure a seamless and reliable dialogue between you and your clients. This unfortunately is where miscommunication arises from, causing stress that can negatively impact collaboration amongst a team. Even worse, if these issues are not properly addressed and remedied, they can set a standard that leads to lower company morale and productivity. This in turn will affect all aspects of an organization’s workflow, especially the ability to meet deadlines without compromising the quality of the task or project. Luckily though, there is a tool that provides solutions to all of the issues listed above. By implementing Zoom into your company’s workflow, you can rest assured that your organization will never falter when it comes to communication.

Zoom History

Launched in 2012, Zoom is a proprietary video-telephony software program. The software is best utilized for its video conferencing feature which allows multiple individuals to participate in a video call simultaneously. Other features include, one-on-one meetings, annotation and drawing tools, screen sharing (great for presenting in a remote workplace setting), plugins such as Slack and Microsoft Outlook for one-click meeting scheduling, browser extensions and the ability to record and transcribe meetings. Zoom is also compatible with several different operating systems (including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, ChromeOS, Linux), ensuring that most devices are compatible with the software. In terms of plans and pricing, Zoom offers six different tiers to choose from: Basic, Pro, Business, Business Plus, Enterprise and Enterprise Plus. The ‘Basic’ plan offers more limited features while ‘Enterprise Plus’ includes expansive options such as 1000 participants per meeting, unlimited cloud storage and webinars. 

Best Practices

In order to make the most of Zoom and its expansive list of features, it is highly recommended that your organization implements a set of best practices. Taking the time to adopt and implement an effective approach to Zoom will ensure that your organization’s workflow benefits from all of Zoom’s offerings. 

Cameras On

Always make it a priority to encourage employees and guests to have their cameras turned on. This will help to ensure that attendees of the meeting remain engaged throughout its duration. This is especially beneficial for meetings with a large number of attendees. When cameras are turned off, the risk of miscommunication is higher. People tend to cut each other off more which can lead to tension and an overall lackluster and ineffective dialogue. However, having cameras turned on helps to create and maintain a conversational flow as people are engaged and more aware. Encouraging cameras to be turned on also influences company morale. When cameras are off, employees may feel more disengaged and apathetic, creating feelings of “dread” when it comes time to “hop on a call”. However, if the cameras are on, there is a better chance that employees will better connect with each other.

While it is encouraged that you employ this practice into your workflow, by no means is it a rule. For example, a client that requests to remain off camera during a meeting should be allowed to do so. Another scenario may be an employee who is feeling under the weather but would like to still attend the meeting to take notes- also a completely acceptable case. 


While working remotely can help employees to feel more comfortable, it can also lead to a higher risk of disengagement among employees. Some employees may not feel the need to put their best foot forward when not in person. There’s not as much pressure and while that can be beneficial, it can also be detrimental to an organization's productivity. To create more effective communication amongst your employees, it is important to create a set of standards that ensure productivity and morale remain high. For example, all attendees on a call should make it a priority to provide input. This ensures that everyone’s voice is heard and most importantly, that all employees feel encouraged to participate. Meetings can sometimes be monopolized by one or two employees, which can negatively affect the balance of power on a project. However, if a standard to maintain balance is employed, the more likely people are to participate and voice their thoughts. 


While remote work can help to complete tasks, assignments and projects more efficiently, it is also important to remember to take a pause to effectively communicate with your clients, employees and coworkers. While it may be easier to hop on a call to solely discuss project needs, sometimes it’s also beneficial to take a moment just to talk. This could be about hobbies or plans for the weekend. When working in person, people tend to get to know their coworkers more easily. However, a remote work culture can sometimes lead to coworkers being more removed from each other, creating a lower level of morale. That is why it is important to take the time to have an enjoyable conversation with your team, regardless of your location. 

Final Thoughts

If implemented correctly, Zoom can be extremely effective and beneficial to your organization. While a day in the workplace includes many pressing tasks and deadlines, none of these can be completed without strong communication tools and best practices.

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