Our Process

Behind every successful project is a thoughtful and straightforward process. Here's ours.

Our UX/UI Design Process

A lot of people have stunning websites, but they can’t figure out why their site performance is awful. The truth is, there’s a ton of really complicated, boring, time-consuming, nerdy stuff that you don’t wanna do, but we will.

1: Discovery

Our team will hold a discovery meeting to learn about your design needs and website goals. We will also discuss our UX/UI design process and present you with service packages specifically tailored to your project needs.

  • Understand and assess client needs
  • Cast aesthetic vision
  • Finalize sitemap & ‘Master Copy Document’
  • Design & present ‘Proof of Concept’ design
Tools used:
A UX/UI discovery call example featuring the key service packages.
2: Lo-Fi Design

Our team will design a series of Lo-Fi designs to determine the strongest page layouts and ensure a robust user experience is present on all pages of your website. We will also hold a review meeting with you to guarantee that the user flow is to your liking before moving into Hi-Fi designs.

  • Finalize sitemap & ‘Master Copy Document’
  • Design all pages in Lo-Fi pulling copy from ‘Master Copy Document’
  • Present with client & note feedback focused around user experience & site structure
Tools used:
A lo-fi design example with Figma as the featured tool.
3: Hi-Fi Design

We will create a set of Hi-Fi designs based on the Lo-Fi designs and your website’s brand identity. Our team will also create an interactive prototype out for you to review how your website will look and feel in post launch.

  • Confirm Lo-Fi structure & make changes as needed
  • Design out Hi-Fi pages referencing Lo-Fi structure & POC design
  • Present with client & note feedback focused around aesthetic & final touches
Tools used:
A hi-fi design example with Figma as the featured tool.
4: Handoff

Our team will perform a final quality review and then hold a meeting with your dev team to answer any final questions before handing over the design files. Our team will also be available to assist your design team with any issues and answer any questions.

  • Meet with dev team and align on handoff process
  • Prepare/package design materials for dev handoff
  • Provide support as needed
A handoff example with Figma Dev Mode as the featured tool.

Our Web Development Process

A lot of people have stunning websites, but they can’t figure out why their site performance is awful. The truth is, there’s a ton of really complicated, boring, time-consuming, nerdy stuff that you don’t wanna do, but we will.

1: Discovery

We will hold a discovery meeting with you to better understand your website needs and goals. We’ll also go over our design process and present you with service packages that best meet your website objectives.

  • Understand the client’s current system
  • Cast vision on aesthetic
  • Understand functionality requirements
Tools used:
A web development discovery call example featuring the key service packages.
2: Design

We will create a series of Lo-Fi designs to ensure a strong user experience is solidified, followed by Hi-Fi designs tailored specifically to your website’s brand identity.  All designs will go through a thorough quality review and client review, guaranteeing a collaborative effort yielding the strongest results.

  • Design & present ‘Proof of Concept’ design
  • Wireframe all pages within sitemap
  • Design all pages in Hi-Fi
Tools used:
A design example with Figma as the featured tool.
3: Development

Our team will develop the Hi-Fi designs into a robust and responsive website powered by Webflow. All websites will also come equipped with CMS integrated by the agency for easy access to edit content as needed.

  • Build out flat pages in Webflow
  • Create integration based functionality
  • Verify code integrity & run first round QA
A development example with Webflow as the featured tool.
4: Launch

We will conduct a final quality review to ensure a seamless user experience is present across the entire website. We will also hold a final client review to guarantee that the updates and changes are to your liking.

  • Run final round of QA
  • Create & prepare tutorial materials & documentation
  • Conduct launch call & trigger support window
A launch example with Loom as the featured tool.

Our Advertising & SEO Process

A lot of people have stunning websites, but they can’t figure out why their site performance is awful. The truth is, there’s a ton of really complicated, boring, time-consuming, nerdy stuff that you don’t wanna do, but we will.

1: Discovery

We will hold a discovery meeting to learn about your SEO and marketing goals. We will also go over our ad campaign process and present you with service packages tailored specifically to your SEO and marketing needs.

  • Meet with the client to discuss their current systems, pain points, and goals
  • Present the client an overview of our SEO & Advertising Service Items
  • Perform site audit and run an initial report
Tools used:
An SEO and advertising discovery call example featuring the key service packages.
2: Strategize & Set Goals

Our team will conduct a competitive audit and analysis of your website to determine an attainable marketing strategy for your website. We will also develop a set of marketing goals to ensure that the campaign remains effective throughout its duration.

  • Discuss report and initial findings
  • Talk through short and long term goals
  • Craft 30 day strategy for the client
A strategy report example with Semrush as the featured tool.
3: Execute & Achieve Goals

We will launch, monitor and manage your campaign. Our team will also send follow-up reports on how well your campaign is performing and if there are any needs for improvement.

  • Create a robust sprint schedule to ensure that the campaign continuously yields favorable results
  • Perform tasks in project specific programs that will contribute to the campaign’s overall success rate
A goal achievement example with Google Analytics as the featured tool.
4: Report & Refine

Based on data and information from the campaign, we will present you with a report of our findings. From there, we will make the necessary adjustments to the campaign to ensure that your website yields the strongest results.

  • Draft and deliver a performance report to the client
  • Meet with the client to discuss the report findings and overall sprint effectiveness
  • Adjust strategy as needed and confirm next month’s objectives
An example featuring a video call and a performance report.

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